What is effective altruism
Effective altruism is a philosophy and a global movement that uses reason and evidence-based knowledge to find the most effective ways to make the world a better place.
In one of the best summaries of effective altruism to date, Ajeya Cotra draws on her personal experiences and presents the key concepts and core beliefs of the movement.
She deals with emotional reactions to injustice in the world, the need to prioritize interventions that can help the most people (or animals), frameworks for figuring out the most promising interventions, and delves specifically into a few key target areas.
If you only have time to watch one EA video, this is a great choice.
(source: https://www.effectivealtruism.org/resources/videos)
What is Effective Altruism?
An introductory article with practical examples and answers to the most common questions about effective altruism.
Career planning
80.000 Hours is an organisation that researches and publishes information on particularly promising career paths and provides career advice.
Introduction to Effective Altruism Handbook
This series of articles presents some of the key thinking tools behind effective altruism, shares arguments about which global problems are the most pressing, and helps you consider how you can personally make a bigger difference.